*** Mystile Changelog *** 2017.04.10 - version 1.3.19 * Fix - Fixes the WooCommerce 3.0.0 compatibility for the new product gallery. style.css, includes/theme-woocommerce.php 2017.02.07 - version 1.3.18 * Tweak - Add support for Catalog Visibility Options plugin. 2016.09.17 - version 1.3.17 * Tweak - adds support for WPML into the custom footer link options. footer.php * Fix - fixes warning notices on activation on homepage. index.php, includes/theme-woocommerce.php * Fix - fixes double tap menu navigation issue on mobile. includes/js/general.js 2016.09.01 - version 1.3.16 * Fix - fixes WooCommerce header tax cart calculation includes/theme-woocommerce.php 2016.08.26 - version 1.3.15 * Fix - updates contact form to the latest code. template-contact.php 2016.08.19 - version 1.3.14 * Deprecation - removes html5 shiv. includes/theme-js.php 2016.07.21 - version 1.3.13 * Tweak - removes old IE fixes css/layout.css * Fix - PHP7 compatibility fix. template-contact.php 2016.03.17 - version 1.3.12 * Tweak - Adds styling for new Next Lesson link in Sensei 1.9 includes/integrations/sensei/css/sensei.css 2015.11.19 - version 1.3.11 * Tweak - Additional styling for new elements in Sensei 1.9 includes/integrations/sensei/css/sensei.css 2015.09.30 - version 1.3.10 * Fix - Padding on the top search input field is now consistent across all browsers. style.css, styles/blue.css, styles/brown.css, styles/green.css, styles/grey.css, styles/indigo.css, styles/red.css, styles/violet.css, styles/yellow.css 2015.08.28 - version 1.3.9 * Fix - Ensures the sidebar displays correctly on WooCommerce screens. /includes/theme-woocommerce.php 2015.08.25 - version 1.3.8 * Fix - Ensure parent::WP_Widget is correctly replaced with parent::__construct in all custom widgets. /includes/widgets/ 2015.08.24 - version 1.3.7 * Fix - Ensures all widgets use an updated PHP5-style class constructor. /includes/widgets/ * Fix - Fixes undefined index notices when handling full width theme options for WooCommerce screens. /includes/theme-woocommerce.php * Tweak - Replace is_page() with is_singular() when filtering the WooCommerce sidebar, to ensure a sidebar displays on product pages. /includes/theme-woocommerce.php 2015.06.04 - version 1.3.6 * includes/js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js - Updated prettyPhoto to version 3.1.6. 2015.03.26 - version 1.3.5 * Fix - Dropdown behaviour on touch devices includes/js/general.js includes/js/third-party.js 2014.10.14 - version 1.3.4 * Fix - Remove custom checkbox / radio styles to avoid conflicts with plugins. style.less style.css 2014.09.10 - version 1.3.3 * Removed - Unused 'adsense' embed setting. Please use a dedicated plugin for this functionality. includes/theme-options.php * Fix - Strict standards notice comments.php 2014.06.23 - version 1.3.2 * Removed 'category exclusion' theme options. Use pre_get_posts filter instead. includes/theme-functions.php includes/theme-options.php 2014.05.19 - version 1.3.1 * Fix - Fixed duplicate markup in header cart link includes/theme-woocommerce.php * Fix - Use the icon font for the humburger icon header.php style.less style.css 2014.03.06 - version 1.3.0 * New - Full integration with Sensei includes/theme-plugin-integrations.php includes/integrations/ functions.php * Fix - Updated fitvids to the latest stable version includes/js/third-party.js 2013.09.16 - version 1.2.17 * includes/js/third-party.js includes/js/general.js - Added doubleTapToGo script to improve dropdown UX on Android touch devices. 2013.09.11 - version 1.2.16 * template-contact.php - Removed Twitter from Contact Page. * includes/theme-options.php - Removed Twitter from Contact Page. * includes/theme-functions.php - Fixed map mousescroll option. 2013.08.22 - version 1.2.15 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Tweaked how WooCommerce css is dequeued for 2.1. 2013.08.01 - version 1.2.14 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Homepage category shortcode now filterable. 2013.07.22 - version 1.2.13 * style.css - Add review form layout tweak. Removed some redundant styles and images. * header.php - Logo now displays correct alt - tag. 2013.06.25 - version 1.2.12 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Search form now has textdomain for localisation. WooCommerce styles dequeued for WooCommerce 2.1. Related products prep for WooCommerce 2.1. * template-sitemap.php - Hidden products are now hidden on sitemap. 2013.06.17 - version 1.2.11 * style.css - Fixed star ratings in widgets. 2013.05.28 - version 1.2.10 * style.css - Switched ratings to stars instead of bar. 2013.04.25 - version 1.2.9 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - added mini cart in the header to add_to_cart_fragments filter to fix cache bug 2013.04.17 - version 1.2.8 * header.php - Removed mfunc_wrapper. 2013.03.08 - version 1.2.7 * style.css - Cart contents hidden on mobile to save layout. 2013.03.06 - version 1.2.6 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - fixed related products option / layout. * style.css - Checkout field validation. 2013.03.05 - version 1.2.5 * css/layout.css - sale marker no longer obstructs product heading on single product page. 2013.02.20 - version 1.2.4 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php includes/theme-actions.php - breadcrumb is filtered regardless of whether WooCommerce is activated * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Pagination preparation for WooCommerce 2.0 2013.02.11 - version 1.2.3 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - added WooCommerce support flag 2013.01.30 - version 1.2.2 * includes/theme-woocommerce.php css/layout.css - Header-cart now displays item total 2013.01.21 - version 1.2.1 * style.css - rating alignment in product loops * header.php includes/theme-woocommerce.php - Cache compatibility with header-cart 2013.01.07 - version 1.2 * style.css * css/layout.css - Styling preparation for WooCommerce 2.0 standardised class names (.woocommerce-) * style.css - fixed twitter icon position 2012.12.06 - version 1.1 * style.css - Styling preparation for WooCommerce 2.0 * layout.css - removed widths from hgroup / #navigation in the header so logos can be full width * index.php - WC_Product class replaced with get_product * includes/theme-woocommerce.php - disable WooCommerce lightbox when prettyPhoto is enabled 2012.11.13 - version 1.0.4 * Fixed duplicated upsells bug on WooCommerce product pages 2012.10.30 - version 1.0.3 * Fixed theme options naming conflict * Added missing textdomain in my_search_form() * Removed child theme constants from theme-actions.php. * Removed esc_url() from e-mail address output in template-contact.php 2012.08.13 - version 1.0.2 * Fixed checkbox on contact form * Fixed styling of subscribe + connect widget * Disable WooCommerce lightbox of theme lightbox is enabled 2012.08.13 - version 1.0.1 * Added background colour to body tag * Added options to display product categories and featured products on the homepage * Fixed logo link bug * Styled demo store notice banner 2012.08.09 - version 1.0 * First release!