*** The Station Changelog *** 2012.12.14 - version 2.3.5 * includes/js/loopedSlider.js - fix for WordPress 3.5 2012.08.14 - version 2.3.4 * comments.php - Added comments div if comments are open, but there are no comments so that 0 comment link is directed to single post comment form. 2011.09.01 - version 2.3.3 * style.css - added a height to #slider .scroll to fix issue when auto height is disabled. 2011.08.05 - version 2.3.2 * includes/theme-options.php, header.php - updated slider speed options 2011.08.01 - version 2.3.1 * /includes/widgets/widget-woo-news.php - Fixed "category value not saving" bug in widget control panel. 2011.04.28 - version 2.3.0 * includes/theme-functions.php - added secondary and footer nav menu support * footer.php - added the footer nav menu output * page.php - added the secondary nav menu output * template-full.php - added the secondary nav menu output * 404.php - added the secondary nav menu output 2010.11.27 - version 2.2 * includes/theme-options.php - removed old options * header.php - removed blog code from navigation * template-blog.php - added blog page template 2010.10.28 - version 2.1.2 * includes/layout-magazine.php - Added missing Magazine sidebar * includes/sidebar-init.php - Registered missing Magazine sidebar 2010.10.27 - version 2.1.1 * header.php - Fixed custom logo 2010.10.21 - version 2.1 * TEXT TITLE OPTION * /functions/ - FRAMEWORK UPDATE 3.0.13 * header.php - added new logo/text-title code * style.css - added new #logo css (bottom) * includes/theme-options.php - Added text-title option and fixed functions. * includes/theme-functions.php - added function to output typography * 2010.10.19 - version 2.0.2 * includes/sidebar-init.php - merged sidebars to one for use with Sidebar Manager * sidebar.php - fixed sidebar call to woo_sidebar() 2010.09.17 - version 2.0.1 * includes/widgets/woo-widget-feedburner.php - removed output of "on" 2010.08.27 - version 2.0.0 * Major Update * /style.css - Added styles for new widgets class names and removed old. * /ie6.css - Updated styles * /styles/* - Updated styles * /includes/theme-widgets.php - Added script for detecting new widgets folder, removed old widgets. * /includes/widgets/ - NEW folder added with new widget files. 2010.08.26 - version 1.9.6 * includes/general.js - Commented out equal height scripts for tabber. * includes/tabs.js - Added new script for height resizing depending on tab content. 2010.08.12 - version 1.9.5 * single.php - clear fix after title 2010.08.06 - version 1.9.4 * template-archives.php - saved $wp_query so sidebars work properly 2010.08.04 - version 1.9.3 * style.css - fixed styling on #pagenav * /styles/ - fixed styling on #pagenav in all alternative styles 2010.07.15 - version 1.9.2 * includes/theme-functions.php - removed integrated (outdated) yoast breadcrumbs function. Install plugin to use breadcrumbs. * 404.php - function_exists on yoast_breadcrumb function * single.php - function_exists on yoast_breadcrumb function * 404.php - function_exists on yoast_breadcrumb function * search.php - function_exists on yoast_breadcrumb function * page.php - function_exists on yoast_breadcrumb function * template-archives.php - function_exists on yoast_breadcrumb function * template-contact.php - function_exists on yoast_breadcrumb function * template-full.php - function_exists on yoast_breadcrumb function * template-sitemap.php - function_exists on yoast_breadcrumb function * includes/theme-options.php - removed option for breadcrumbs (install plugin to activate now) 2010.06.28 - version 1.9.1 * style.css - Fixed Gravity forms styling bug 2010.06.21 - version 1.9.0 * header.php - Added theme support for WordPress 3.0 Menu Management * /includes/theme-functions.php - Added theme support for WordPress 3.0 Menu Management 2010.06.09 - version 1.8.2 * style.css Ð Added styling for Gravity forms * /styles/*.css - Added styling for Gravity forms 2010.05.08 - version 1.8.2 * includes/js/general.js - Fixed dropdown navigation active tab styling 2010.04.28 - version 1.8.1 * header.php Ð Added WooNav support 2010.04.21 - version 1.8 * /functions/* - MAJOR UPDATE - Framework V.2.7.0 * header.php - Added SEO tags, woo_title(); & woo_meta(); * functions.php - Changed layout for loading required files. 2010.03.16 - version 1.7.1 * includes/theme-options.php - added option for date format 2010.03.15 - version 1.7 * includes/theme-widgets.php - added title to ad widget 2010.02.23 - version 1.6.1 * header.php - changed all template_directory to stylesheet_directory for child themes to work * includes/featured-page-slider.php - changed all stylesheet_directory to template_directory for child themes to work * includes/featured-post-slider.php - changed all stylesheet_directory to template_directory for child themes to work * includes/theme-widgets.php - changed all stylesheet_directory to template_directory for child themes to work * includes/theme-functions.php - removed wp-pagenavi 2010.01.25 - version 1.6 * template-contact.php - Added contact form page template * includes/theme-options.php - Added option for e-mail for contact form * /images/ico*.png - Added icons for alert boxes * style.css - Added styles for contact form/info boxes, trackbacks (bottom) * includes/theme-comments.php - added trackbacks/pingbacks * comments.php - added trackbacks/pingbacks 2010.01.12 - version 1.5.3 * header.php - load js only on homepage 2009.12.18 - version 1.5.2 * comments.php - Fixed comments link issue (changed comments_wrap to comments). * style.css - Updated #comments_wrap to #comments. 2009.11.16 - version 1.5.1 * /includes/featured-post-slider.php - Fixed the one nav button to "previous" and not "next". 2009.10.12 - version 1.5.0 * header.php - Added loopedslider plugin init with possible option and defaults. * /includes/featured-page-slider.php - Added class to the Nav buttons. * /includes/featured-post-slider.php - Added class to the Nav buttons. * /includes/theme-js.php - Added loopedslider and removes old slider code * /includes/theme-options.js - Added new option in theme backend for slider calibration * /style.css - Added new classes for loopedslider * /includes/js/loopedslider.js - ADDED * /includes/js/jquery.localscroll.js - REMOVED * /includes/js/jquery.scrollTo-1.4.1.js - REMOVED * /includes/js/jquery.serialScroll-1.2.1.js - REMOVED 2009.09.19 - version 1.4.4 * comments.php - Fixed little javascript bug in the comments field. 2009.09.14 - version 1.4.3 * /includes/theme-widgets.php - Added "submit" values to submit buttons for widgets 2009.09.14 - version 1.4.2 * /includes/js/general.js - Changed "mouseout" to "mouseleave" to fix flickering nav in IE 2009.09.14 - version 1.4.1 * /includes/theme-js.php - Moved inclusion of general.js outside of "if loop", so that it is always included. 2009.09.09 - version 1.4 * /functions/* - Core Framework 1.0.9 * /lang/thestation.po - Added language file. See: http://www.woothemes.com/2009/08/how-to-translate-a-theme/ * Added gettext functions to template php files to support localization. 2009.08.24 - version 1.3.5 * /includes/theme-function.php - Added conditions to prevent SQL Statement Errors 2009.08.20 - version 1.3.4 * /includes/theme-js.php - added superfish /includes/js/superfish.js * /functions/ - Core framework upgrade to V.1.0.6 2009.08.11 - version 1.3.3 * /includes/ad-468x60.php - fixed adsense not showing 2009.08.11 - version 1.3.2 * /functions/ - Core framework upgrade to V.1.0.5 2009.07.27 - version 1.3.1 * /functions/ - Core framework upgrade to V.1.0.4 * /includes/theme-options.php - Added Custom CSS backend option 2009.07.14 - version 1.3 * /functions/ - Core upgrade to V.1.0.2 * /includes/js/slider.js *ADDED* - Workaround for slider JS output in header. Made static. * /includes/featured-page-slider.php - Added buttons to HTML * /includes/featured-post-slider.php - Added buttons to HTML * /includes/theme-functions.php - Removed JS from theme header. * /includes/theme-js.php - Added slider.js & added is_home conditionals. * /includes/theme-options - Fix on Manual URL * /style.css - Corrected validation on elements * REMOVED /includes/js/slider.js.php 2009.06.30 - version 1.2.8 * /includes/theme-functions.php - Enabled 3rd-level support for sub-navigation function * style.css - tweaked padding & removed fixed height on .widget ul li a:link, .widget ul li a:visited 2009.06.29 - version 1.2.7 * style.css - Added 'zoom: 1' to #sub_nav ul li ul li to fix subnav icon bug 2008.06.23 - version 1.2.6 * /includes/js/slider.js.php - Jquery upgrade bug fix * /includes/featured-page-slider.php - ID to Class convertion * /includes/featured-post-slider.php - ID to Class convertion 2008.06.16 - version 1.2.5 * /functions/ - Core Update * /includes/theme-options.php - Copy adjust 2009.06.15 - version 1.2.4 * /functions/ - Core Update * /includes/js/slider.js.php - Update * /includes/theme-functions.php * /includes/theme-options.php 2009.06.08 - version 1.2.3 * ie6.css - Fixed drop-down menus for IE6 2009.06.08 - version 1.2.2 * style.css - Fixed IE7 drop-down bug * ie7.css - Added styles to fix IE7 drop-down bug 2009.06.05 - version 1.2.1 * /functions/ - Core Update (auto save bug) 2009.06.03 - version 1.2 * /functions/ - Core Update * /includes/ad-468x60.php - checkbox fix * /includes/layout-default.php - checkbox fix * /includes/layout-magazine.php - checkbox fix * /includes/theme-functions.php - checkbox fix on page exclude functions * /includes/theme-options.php * /includes/theme-js.php - checkbox fix * /includes/theme-widgets.php - checkbox fix * /404.php - checkbox fix * /archive.php - checkbox fix * /footer.php - checkbox fix * /page.php - checkbox fix * /single.php - checkbox fix * /template-archives.php - checkbox fix * /template-full.php - checkbox fix * /template-sitemap.php - checkbox fix 2009.06.02 - version 1.1.1 * /functions/ - Core Update * /includes/theme-options.php - Changes to nested inputs, added custom favicon option and copy reviews 2009.05.18 - version 1.1.0 * /functions/ - New WooThemes Framework (core theme functions) functions.php * archive.php - Embedded woo_get_image for each post search.php * style.css - Added styling for new featured slider (lines 260 - 310) - Added styling for new alternate homepage layout (lines 994 - 1163) - Added styling for new video widget (lines 871 - 884) - Changed drop-down styling to support more levels (lines 134 - 169) * index.php - Ability to change between default & magazine layout * img/ - Added thumb.jpg, video.jpg, minithumb.jpg, sliderimage.jpg, bigad.jpg for development** * img/ - Added 'sliderarrow_left.png' & 'sliderarrow_right.png' for new featured slider * includes/featured-post-slider.php - New * includes/featured-page-slider.php - New * includes/layout-default.php - Contains the body content of previous index.php * includes/layout-magazine.php - New * includes/ad-468x60.php - New * includes/featured-tabs.php - Added '
' around featured tabber text. * includes/sidebar-init.php - Added additional homepage sidebar (for magazine layout) * includes/test.php - Moved from /functions/ includes/theme-comments.php includes/theme-functions.php includes/theme-js.php includes/theme-options.php includes/theme-widgets.php * includes/theme-options.php - Added new options for magazine layout, featured post / page slider, 468x60 ad & ability to force include some pages in top navigation * includes/theme-widgets.php - Added 125x125 Ad Widget & Video Player Widget * includes/js/jquery.localscroll.js - Added jQuery for featured slider includes/jquery.scrollTo-1.4.1.js includes/jquery.serialScroll-1.2.1.js includes/slider.js * styles/*.css - Added '#recent_articles h2.heading, #more_articles h2.heading' for headings on new alternate homepage layout 2009.05.11 - version 1.0.15 * 404.php - fixed 404 error page template 2009.05.05 - version 1.0.14 * header.php - fixed logo validation error 2009.04.28 - version 1.0.13 * style.css - added #featured .information list CSS styles 2009.04.24 - version 1.0.12 * style.css - Changed logo to be an html image instead of CSS * header.css - Added for logo * styles/blueorange.css - Removed CSS for the logo * styles/creamlime.css - Removed CSS for the logo * styles/default.css - Removed CSS for the logo * styles/grey_yellow.css - Removed CSS for the logo * styles/greymaroon.css - Removed CSS for the logo * styles/minimal.css - Removed CSS for the logo * styles/orangebrown.css - Removed CSS for the logo * styles/purplegrey.css - Removed CSS for the logo * styles/blueorange/ - Deleted logo.jpg * styles/creamlime/ - Deleted logo.jpg * styles/default/ - Deleted logo.jpg * styles/grey_yellow/ - Deleted logo.jpg * styles/greymaroon/ - Deleted logo.jpg * styles/minimal/ - Deleted logo.jpg * styles/orangebrown/ - Deleted logo.jpg * styles/purplegrey/ - Deleted logo.jpg * includes/js/ - Added pngfix.js * img/ - Added logo.png * functions/admin-setup.php - moved custom logo function to header.php * header.php 2009.04.20 - version 1.0.11 * includes/widgets.php - Added checkbox for google feedburner widget 2009.04.20 - version 1.0.10 * includes/widgets.php - Fix on "news widget". 2009.04.16 - version 1.0.9 * includes/widgets.php - Fix on "news widget". 2009.04.14 - version 1.0.8 * includes/widgets.php - Fix on "news widget" in reguards to the correct author link. 2009.04.07 - version 1.0.7 * style.css - Added default image alignment classes 2009.04.06 - version 1.0.6 * /functions/admin-setup.php - Fixed DB query for page parent function (secondary navigation) 2009.04.01 - version 1.0.5 * style.css - added clear: both to #form_wrap 2009.04.01 - version 1.0.4 * /includes/featured-tabs.php - Moved
inside if loop 2009.03.31 - version 1.0.3 * header.php - removed duplicate style.css load * admin-setup.php - fixed header style input bug 2009.03.30 - version 1.0.2 * custom.css - added a custom CSS file * style.css - added import of custom.css 2009.03.26 - version 1.0.1 * functions.php - removed suckerfish.js load * /includes/js/ - deleted suckerfish.js * style.css - fixed News Widget RSS icon * ie6.css - fixed submit buttons dropping below input fields 2009.03.26 - version 1.0.0 * First release!